Digital Resources
Digital Resources
Today's kids are impressively tech-savvy! They are so comfortable with all the new technologies that are around today and are not afraid to show their skills to their parents. But the digital world -- just like the nondigital world -- requires all kinds of skills that kids don't simply pick up as they go. Digital citizenship and media literacy have to be taught. Being a good digital citizen is more than knowing your way around the Internet. In the PS 188K Technology Lab, we will create a positive school culture that supports safe and responsible technology use. Students in K-5 will complete fun and engaging lessons in a Digital Citizenship Program that addresses real life challenges to help them navigate cyberbullying, internet safety, and other digital dilemmas.
- Netsmartz Tech Tips (opens in new tab) Learn how to check what your child is doing online and how to keep your child safe
- Howcast (opens in new tab) Videos include "How to use Twitter" and much more!
- Family Online Safety Institute (opens in new tab) Information for parents about specific websites and apps.
- Google Safety Center (opens in new tab) Browse through videos and articles for advice on using Google's safety tools and how to manage your family's safety online. Topics include turning on Incognito browsing mode and getting Google alerts when your name appears online.
Your child will be able to successfully address these digital concerns:
- How do I tell the difference between trustworthy and false information on the web?
- When is it OK to use someone else's work in my creative projects?
- How do I keep my personal information private online? How can I create strong powerful passwords?
- What should I do if I am bullied online?
- What should I do if I see someone else being bullied online?
- What are some safe websites for me?
- How can I search for information effectively?
- Cyberwise (opens in new tab) Online games that teach online safety skills
- Media Smarts (opens in new tab) Games and tips on how to have a conversation about digital safety with the family