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Documents & Downloads

Enrollment Forms 

On this page, you'll find the forms you might need to enroll in a DOE public school. 

  • New to NYC? Fill out the Housing Questionnaire and provide to your new school or a Family Welcome Center.
  • If you're not the primary leaseholder or homeowner where you live, fill out the Parent Affidavit of Residency.
  • If you're temporarily taking care of a student but are not their parent or guardian, fill out the Non-Parent Affidavit.
  • We speak your language! If your home language is not English, be sure to request a Home Language Identification Survey from your school or a Family Welcome Center. Interpretation services are available in more than 200 languages.

Please note: Forms do NOT need to be notarized. If any form includes a section on notarization, just leave it blank.